Tuesday, November 22, 2016

We are Thankful for our Wizard Students and Families

We wanted to thank all of the families who contributed to our breakfast this morning. We had plenty of delicious treats. We were also excited to have so many parents join our celebration! It was a lovely morning, complete with a talent show.  

The party organizers...They did a great job!

I'd smile too with a plate of food like that:)

The best of friends! 

Our star cello player!

Card trick--minds blown!

These three have the most lovely voices! 

Bottle flipping success

Can you solve a Rubic's Cube in under a minute?  He can!

The poet
A Tuesday breakfast, which we can all enjoy.
A good way to share thoughts, and to spread Joy.
Everyone is gathered around, like a family.
We are all together, eating happily!

Comedy Hour

Finishing with some flips

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tuesday Breakfast & Math Update

Team Breakfast 
You are invited to a Team Wizards breakfast next Tuesday!  Dear parents and guardians please come to our breakfast on Tuesday, November 22 from 8:00 - 8:50.  Stop by for a treat with your student.  There even may be entertainment from our talented Wizards. We hope to see you Tuesday!  This potluck breakfast is organized by Dylan, Teras, Olivia, Talie, Julia, Eleanor, Eva, and Janelle with support from Ms. Anderman.  

Math Update

As we move to recording all progress in Schoology, please note that all assignments prior to last week will be in Powerschool.  Please check the date of any "missing" work before you check in with your student.  If it is an old assignment it is possible that it was completed but recorded in Powerschool.  Schoology will now be updated weekly and I believe that it will make it much easier for you and your student to check assignments and to see progress at the same time.  Thanks for your patience and flexibility.

5th Grade Math
In 5th grade we are finishing up our study of division.  You can click here to see the partial quotients algorithm that your student will need to know to be proficient.   This is the algorithm students should be practicing on this week's homework. 

6th Grade Math
In 6th grade we are well into our study of ratios and rates.  The following gives an overview of the content your 6th graders are learning.  


Students build understanding of ratios as comparisons of numbers. Students express ratios in different ways: with the language of for every, using the word to, with colon notation (a : b), and using the word per.


When you say that 1/6 of a school is sixth graders, strictly speaking, this is not a number but a ratio. It compares a part to the whole; for every 6 students, 1 is a sixth grader.
The ratio of the sixth-grade fundraising goal to the seventh-grade fundraising goal is 60 : 90.
Mary runs at 5 miles per hour.

Unit Rate

A unit rate is a comparison in which one of the numbers being compared is 1 unit. You can use unit rates to calculate equivalent ratios.


Finn runs 10 miles in 2 hours.
Finn runs 2.5 miles in a half hour (or 30 minutes).
Finn runs 1 mile in 1/5 hour (or 12 minutes).
The statement Finn runs 1 mile in 12 minutes expresses a unit rate.

Rate Table

Rate tables are a way to express equivalent ratios. For example, if you know that 1 ounce of popcorn kernels yields 4 cups of popped corn, you can use a rate table to calculate other amounts


Cups of Popcorn From Ounces of Kernels
Number of Cups of Popcorn4812162024283236404448
Number of Ounces of Popcorn Kernels123456789101112

Monday, November 14, 2016

Conference Feedback

Hello Families!
Thank you to the many families who joined us Thursday night in a celebration of learning! It was wonderful to see the students share all the wonderful work they have been doing.  As we met with families we noticed a few "themes" emerge so we thought it might be helpful to clarify a couple of things...

Based on some insights from last Thursday night and a subsequent discussion among the teachers, we have decided to use Schoology "exclusively" for assignments, feedback and the reporting of progress toward the proficiencies we are teaching. So from this point forward, if you are looking to see if your student is caught up on their work, how they did on an assignment or the feedback they received, please consult Schoology.  We hope that this streamlines the process of reporting for both students and parents.  No need to look on Powerschool. All the information you will need will be on Schoology.  If you have any questions about Schoology, we are here to help, so please ask!

Language Arts
The question Mrs. Michael received the most was about the homework expectations for her class. The short answer is, students should be reading 30 minutes a night, five times a week. Which for most students, means that they will read at least two novels per month.  When they finish a book, they should record it on their reading log (which is in Google Drive.)  At the end of each month they will write a book review for one of their independent reading books and publish it on the "What are you reading?" blog. The blog assignment will always be posted each month on Schoology.  Any additional assignments will also be posted on Schoology. Occasionally, if students do not finish work in class, they will be expected to do it for homework that night. Feel free to contact Mrs. Michael with any questions.